回顾2024 vitafoods europe:zxchem首次亮相的见解和亮点 – 海南中信化工有限公司-j9九游会真人游戏第一

2024 vitafoods europe是全球营养保健品行业的顶尖盛会,吸引了全球行业领袖和创新型企业的参与。这是zxchem首次亮相该活动,我们将向国际市场展示我们的尖端植物蛋白和植物提取物。通过参与这一重要的行业聚集,我们的目标是加强与全球j9九游会真人游戏第一的合作伙伴的联系,并突显我们的产品在促进健康和营养方面的优势。我们对我们的产品能够在全球范围内产生积极影响感到自豪和充满信心。


  • 豌豆蛋白
  • 大米蛋白
  • 植物肽


  • 白藜芦醇
  • 柑橘生物类黄酮
  • 猫爪提取物
  • 西兰花提取物
  • 水飞蓟素
  • 磷脂酰丝氨酸

zxchem herb是zxchem提供创新和高质量化学j9九游会真人游戏第一的解决方案及植物提取物的重要组成部分。其使命是“为绿色世界创新 – 携手共创差异”。目前,zxchem herb的高质量产品包括姜黄提取物、蔓越莓提取物和柑橘生物类黄酮等,这些产品因其独特的健康益处而闻名。

柑橘生物类黄酮被誉为增强血管健康的天然化合物。姜黄提取物因其强大的抗炎和抗氧化特性而广受欢迎。蔓越莓提取物因其预防尿路感染的潜在效果而受到重视。这些产品不仅反映了zxchem herb对质量的承诺,还展示了其在开发植物基j9九游会真人游戏第一的解决方案方面的专业知识。



plant protein

from zxchem

vitafoods europe 2024 is the premier event for the global nutraceutical industry, attracting industry leaders and innovative businesses from around the globe. this marks zxchem’s first appearance at the event, where we plan to showcase our advanced plant proteins and botanical extracts to the international market. by participating in such a significant industry gathering, we aim to strengthen our connections with global partners and demonstrate the advantages of our products in supporting health and nutrition. we are proud and confident that our products will make a positive impact on consumers worldwide.

at the exhibition, pea protein and botanical extracts garnered significant interest from many attendees. the professional team from zxchem not only showcased the benefits of these products but also engaged in detailed discussions and exchanges with participants from various countries, sharing their expertise patiently.

  • pea protein
  • rice protein
  • plant peptide

the outlook for the pea protein market is highly positive, driven by increasing global focus on health and sustainability. manufacturers are continuously innovating to keep up with the growing demand. zxchem’s pea protein, a flagship product of the company, has been successfully exported to numerous countries around the world and has gained a strong market presence.

this year, we have launched an innovative low-sodium pea protein peptide at the vitafoods exhibition. this product, containing ≤100 mg/100g of sodium and ≥90% protein, is rich in amino acids and highly absorbable. its high quality and nutritional value drew significant attention at the event, making it a focal point of discussion among attendees.

you definitely want to know more:

  • resveratrol
  • citrus bioflavondoids
  • cat’s claw extract
  • broccoli extract
  • silymairn
  • phosphatidylserine

zxchem herb is a key component of zxchem’s broader efforts to provide innovative and high-quality chemical solutions and botanical extracts. its mission is “innovating for a greener world – together, we can make a difference.” currently, zxchem herb’s high-quality products include turmeric extract, cranberry extract, and citrus bioflavonoids, among others,these are renowned for their unique health benefits.

citrus bioflavonoids are hailed as natural compounds that enhance vascular health. turmeric extract is widely popular for its strong anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties. cranberry extract is valued for its potential effects in preventing urinary tract infections.these products not only reflect zxchem herb’s commitment to quality but also demonstrate its expertise in developing plant-based solutions.

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zxchem is committed to continuing its presence at industry-leading events and has confirmed participation in next year’s vitafoods exhibition. join us to explore the future of health and nutrition together at vitafoods.